Image, unscourced video, 1/30/25, Reagan/DCA
While America was grieving the loss of 67 lives in the America Eagle tragedy over the Potomac River, a medical transport jet carrying a sick child, her mother and four others, exploded mid-air killing all aboard and inflicting unknown injuries/casualties on the ground in the N. Philadelphia neighborhood.
Jet Rescue Air Ambulance, which operated the Learjet 55 is registered in Mexico, and all six persons aboard were Mexican. JRAA has made dozens of such flights, and all aboard, save for the patient and her mother, were professionals.
Just an observation, but the family whose child was ill and had been treated at Shriners Hospital in Philadelphia, were most probably of means and position to be accorded (and to be able to afford) such advanced emergency services. They were most likely well to do. Here is what grinds my soul about that.
The United States of America, which Mexico helped to endanger by enabling and populating the pathway of invaders, was the nation chosen by a rich Mexican family to save their own child. What is wrong with people anymore??? Adding 1+1 was once so simple..
I won’t bore you with the stats about how seldom two fatal air crashes happen within hours of each other. It happened, and it happened in a time in our history where the enemy is on full display. Just watching the insane screeching from the Left in the confirmation hearings tells you where we are. It is hard NOT to ask if our enemy isn’t behind these incidents. After all, Hakeem Jeffries has pledged that the Left will fight the trump agenda in the streets. Why not in the air?
Obama will not quit now that old Joe is out to pasture. That we know.
Barrack Obama, still in charge of the Marxist battalion in our country, would like us to be entertained by the blasphemous Presidential pardons, with a side show of the sentencing of a tubby former Congressman from MD. Menendez was no more or less guilty of the grift for which he was sentenced than most other Democrats (and many Republicans) in Congress. He was just dumber about hiding it. Gold bars and envelopes of cash in pockets of suits hanging in the closet in his home? Geez, Bob…
Maybe Barrack even allows the rumored impending divorce from his wife as part of the show. Put nothing past him/them. It was all for show really, all along. “Look over here, sheep…” You know. THAT kind of show.
Back to the first crash incident over the Potomac. Identity of the third enlisted person on the Sikorsky is being withheld, reportedly due to a request of the family. The third Army Air person is known to have been a woman, as per NPR
Even the FAA said the same.
The identity and mental state of the third Army Airman may well tell us a lot. Suspicions surround the concept that she/he/it was one of those who thought gender was an option of man instead of God. Severe personality imbalances in such individuals are proven to cause anger, fear, and aggression, along with deep regret in many. This consideration cannot be left out, in light of how little FACTS we know, to date.
We will have to wait and see if and when more information is revealed.
The American Eagle crash on Jan. 30, has one more possible complication layer. There are reports, verified by eyewitnesses rather than “approved” media sources, that the Sikorski took off from an address in McLean, VA. This has been discussed on Social Media, and the address of the large private home, as “the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia”
This also would explain the copter’s route southbound over the Potomac (McLean is to the north of Dulles).
Here, from the news site Times Now World News,
Social media reports claimed that the Army Black Hawk helicopter involved in the DC Airport crash on Wednesday was actually carrying a 'VIP from Saudi Arabia'. Officials have confirmed that there were three soldiers on the chopper when it collided with an American Airlines jet. The two air crafts fell into the Potomac River. All 60 passengers and four crew members on the plane, and three people on the helicopter have been presumed dead.
While there is no confirmation from officials, Reddit users discussed a Saudi Arabia link in the crash. "PAT 25, the helicopter involved in the recent crash, appears to have taken off from a diplomatic residence owned by Saudi Arabia," one person claimed on Times Now World News.
“PAT” is a call-sign used by military aircraft which are transporting VIP‘s It means “Priority Air Transport” for ‘distinguished visitor or higher ranking person(S). This also may explain the one body which reported to have been removed from the scene singly, as observed by eyewitnesses but not yet corroborated.
TNWN, quoted above, is an English-language news channel in India, owned and operated by The Times Group. The channel launched on 23 January 2006 in partnership with Reuters. Whether or not this is “clean” news, or Reuters-adjusted is impossible to say, but it could fill in some blanks in information
As I wrote two mornings ago, what ever the details, whatever the weather, something does NOT smell right, and, per this Kat’s nose, stinks worse by the day. Whether or not the two inexplicable crashes within 48 hours of one another in the Northeastern US are related, the odds of all these strange occurrences are fast passing the point of “just coincidence”.
We knew that returning to our Constitution would be fraught with danger, but few of us might have predicted these kinds of occurrences happening in concurrence with the beginning of our movement to make America AMERICA again. “Great” will follow God willing.
Oh, and one more thing…as reported in “The Aviationist”, October 2024,
Lockheed Martin Executive Remotely Controls UH-60 Black Hawk from 300 Miles Away During Demo at AUSA Symposium
Are you smelling it, too?
And that "large private home" where the chopper took off from is also obscured out on Google Earth View/Street View in one report that I saw. On another report I saw the chopper tried hitting two previous planes before successfully hitting the third.
If a disaster is so complicated to try and figure out what happened, it was carefully planned and organized with endless possibilities to confuse the conclusion.