A "FIB" Warning is as good as "money in the Bank" Yessiree. It's gonna happen because They/Them will Do It, under sufficient cover of course. That Feral Grub&Mint sure do love We/Me/You.
while Stealing sElections .... Why Not the Monee' too? Banksters do love their/thems A$$ets purchased with worth less Fiat.
Your wildest imaginations probably don't include the Kulak Eradication in the USSR's Bolshevik Coup.
That's WHY it will probably Happen......... Again, ..... here in the USSA.
I have "Revised & Extended" my Quote:
"Si vis pacem" is Hopium at this point; "Para Bellum" is all that's really remaining....... if you care about Trying to survive.
The idea of calling the hotline to report suspicious activity and telling them they are the suspicious activity is hysterical, I love it!
A "FIB" Warning is as good as "money in the Bank" Yessiree. It's gonna happen because They/Them will Do It, under sufficient cover of course. That Feral Grub&Mint sure do love We/Me/You.
while Stealing sElections .... Why Not the Monee' too? Banksters do love their/thems A$$ets purchased with worth less Fiat.
Your wildest imaginations probably don't include the Kulak Eradication in the USSR's Bolshevik Coup.
That's WHY it will probably Happen......... Again, ..... here in the USSA.
I have "Revised & Extended" my Quote:
"Si vis pacem" is Hopium at this point; "Para Bellum" is all that's really remaining....... if you care about Trying to survive.
Great article Kat.
Yup it's 99% over. Watch how Patrick Byrne explains it on Creative Destructive Media