In two “good red states”, you are NOT free to proceed peaceably in the political arena.
We have heard a lot about lawfare in the last four years. The O’Biden regime used is openly to control their political enemies. Now that Donald Trump is in office and engaged in governmental and societal clean-up like we’ve never seen before, the use of the courts by the Left has exploded to the level of the ludicrous.
“Federal Judge Indefinitely Blocks Trump’s Birthright Citizenship Executive Order” (Feb. 10)
*Obama Judge Blocks Trump Administration from Sending Venezuelan Migrants to Guantanamo Bay” (Feb. 10)
That was all on one day on one site.
Each day since the second inauguration of Donald Trump we are greeted with amazing news of happenings we never thought we’d see. Much of the world is grateful, in one way or another. Even many former American liberals are eschewing the “cult” for the wonderful changes they see and feel occurring.
In two very “red” states, however, there is lawfare, occurring; state governments vs. constituents. Constituents of the party in power.
Let me tell you about Florida and Texas, which the casual observer believes are literally aglow with MAGA light.
Let’s start with Texas. The Texas Ethics Commission (TEC) , a little-known agency has been weaponized against the people. The TEC operates in near secrecy, from the basement of the state capital building, targeting grassroots activists, political challengers, and even regular Texans who dare to engage in the political process, experts say. The link below is of a discussion between a podcaster from the Texas News, and an attorney who knows the players well. They discuss real cases, including the recent attempt to weaponize the TEC against Republican Party of Texas Chairman Abraham George, for his recommending to one of his party, to vote for the Republican candidate! The TEC is used to counter “dissent”; little to do with ethics. Listen to the YouTube information session here.
In Florida, this kind of lawfare is being inflicted, as you know, by the Republican Party organization (RPOF), against its MAGA/America First citizens.
You already know about the “cease and desist” order from the RPOF against the Florida Republican assembly, a Judeo-Christian MAGA group, issued last spring. That is still being contested in the courts. Then, there is the blatant disenfranchisement of MAGA Republican Committeemen and Committeewomen, elected by the people, which removes their right to vote in the State legislature There is a case currently being heard in the 4th District, brought by a citizen against the Party leadership/RPOF.
Then there is Alan Hayes and his merry band of lawfare lovers, who are going for legal punishment of voters who ask questions. No hiding in basements for them. They take it right to the Florida Senate, with their lobbying group, the FSE.
FSE (Florida Supervisors of Elections) is funded by taxpayer money. The FSE retains a lobbyist, at citizen expense, to push their case to the state legislature. That lobbyist’s name is Ramba, who owns a consulting group by the same name. This same group works for the chair of the Republican Party of Florida, Evan Power, who was once with the Ramba firm. Tax dollars of Floridians are being used, in this case, to lobby for passage of a bill against them.
Incestuous at a minimum. Then, add immoral. This is still a free country where people are allowed to ask questions, and have a right to respect from their elected officials.
On Feb. 4, there was a Senate Elections Committee hearing. Travis Hart, SOE of Lafayette County is the FSE President, and was allowed to speak at will, as was former state Senator, Alan Hayes, SOE of Lake County, who pressed the issue of supposed “harrassment” of election workers.
The hearing lasted nearly two hours, at the end of which time, four citizens were rudely allowed 3 minutes each to state their case about the KNOWN AND VERIFIED inaccuracies of the voter rolls, why the state needs to take a closer look, and the state’s casual disregard of same. Listen in , here. Hayes and Ramba spent the majority of the hearing, angling for their position. You’ll have to wait till the last ten minutes of the hearing to hear the citizens’ brief comments and the dismissive attitude shown them.
Alan Hayes believes that anyone who dares question anything or anyone in the process of voting within a county (say, dirty voter rolls or fraud), should be instantly declared guilty of “harassment” and hauled directly to jail - so do not pass judge, jury, or collection of any evidence. Forget about constitutional rights. BTW, no incident of actual harassment of election workers has ever been recorded.
A previous “Harasment Bill”, HB721 s104.0614, passed in the Fl House, but was defeated in the FL Senate, in 2024, but Hayes wants the concept brought back for another vote, so, his lobbying group came to the FL. Senate hearing 2/4/25, to whine. At taxpayer expense.
At this first attempt at a “Harassment bill”, across the state, in a number of counties, there had been a rising movement to hold county Supervisors of Election responsible for the bad addresses on the rolls, and to get out of ERIC. Cant have that. Right, Alan? The best defense is a good offense, and all that…
Just a reminder, but Florida already has harassment laws on the books.
I call this harassment bill the David Becker Bill, formulated in his Election Workers Legal Defense Network after the 2020 election. It is now the law in 19 states, including California. Ask a question about election precesses or results, and the full force of the law can and will be brought against the questioner.
Hayes is a big supporter of David Becker, the noted “conservative hater” who was fired from the DOJ by his boss, Hans Von Spakovsky, for pulling what Von Spakovsky called the “most unethical thing he had ever witnessed.”
When Florida left Becker’s voter roll “maintenance” organization, ERIC, in 2023, Hayes signed a letter of support for Becker.
David Becker designed ERIC with funding from Soros et. al. during the first Obama administration in 2010, right after Obama lost both houses of Congress in the midterms. The ERIC system of phantom voter creation, was marketed as a “voter roll manintenance organizaton”, but its mandates covered voter registration and little voter roll cleanup. Gov. Rick Scott would not join ERIC, because he felt that the system captured too much of his constituents’ personal data.
Florida, along with 32 other states, was once a member of ERIC (Electronic Registration Information Center; not a word about “elections”). DeSantis joined Florida to ERIC when he first became Governor in 2019.
Of those 32 ERIC member states, 50% had voter registration numbers which exceeed all possible citizens of voting age in the population. Not exactly clean rolls, but lots of phantoms. Florida’s number was 101.6%.
Tina Peters, a county clerk in Mesa County, CO, tried to show where the voting machines were inaccurate and she got 9 years behind bars. This is the spirit of the David Becker law, if not the exact letter.
A seemingly orchestrated withdrawal of ten states, occurred early 2023, ERIC and its vast AI data base of voters’ personal information has disappeared from view. Citizen The data in ERIC’s AI system is NOT returned to the states. Frankly, I would like to know what has become of all the citizens’ personal information which is NOT returned from the ERIC system. If it has been eliminated, we require proof, but I can find no word of curent ERIC data systems.
PLEASE read the excellent coverage of the issue by the Capital Research Center. While you do, please remember that SOE Hayes is in full support of this man and his program.
Alan Hayes and the FSE are asking the Florida Senate for another chance at lawfare against citizens who dare question the fraud which is still embedded in Florida voting. Alan Hayes and the FSE want the harassment bill to return, possibly so no one can look too closely.
The magic that is the Trump Administration in this amazing year, has not only fired up the obvious attack dogs, but also those embedded in Statehouses. If you don’t live in Florida or Texas, it would behoove you to take a minute from your nightly celebration of the news and check out your own state.
Look for politicians who frown at the good news from DC, and nestle behind closed doors in meetings where the public is not welcome.
Our freedom is still up to us. It always will be.
If we have learned anything - and we all agree, I’d think, that we have learned a LOT - from the first weeks of Donald Trump’s second term, we should have learned that we must do a hell of a lot of verifying before we trust.
Confirmation of the "Rat Party" , democRats and rinoRats. Focusing on the rinoRats further and their Opposition to MAGA Repubs. in the States*. Every "Red State" has this ongoing CW !!!
*This is a Multi Level political CW that has been brewing since the Tea Party Days of 2010 when the Tea Party grass roots delivered a huge Republican Majority to the US CONgress that the rinoRats wanted No Part Of. These New Repubs had to be Consumed into the DC Swampster Club or Defeated in the next sElection...... rinoRats with their democRat cousins largely Won that battle.
The IRS was the Point of Feral Gov Attack back then against the Tea Party Insurgents. Currently it's the DoInJ/FIB/ATF on MAGA Patriots descendants of the Tea Party. Even with a MAGA Victory in 2020 the "Rat Party" is buried into the Bureaucrazy. Not All MAG Appointees are Constitutional Liberty lovers, the Estab Repubs are more closely aligned to outright Rinos than we might think.
Actions over mere Words are Required:
3 Cases: Jeremy Brown Patriot POW of the Feral Rats