Confirmation of the "Rat Party" , democRats and rinoRats. Focusing on the rinoRats further and their Opposition to MAGA Repubs. in the States*. Every "Red State" has this ongoing CW !!!
*This is a Multi Level political CW that has been brewing since the Tea Party Days of 2010 when the Tea Party grass roots delivered a huge Republican Majority to the US CONgress that the rinoRats wanted No Part Of. These New Repubs had to be Consumed into the DC Swampster Club or Defeated in the next sElection...... rinoRats with their democRat cousins largely Won that battle.
The IRS was the Point of Feral Gov Attack back then against the Tea Party Insurgents. Currently it's the DoInJ/FIB/ATF on MAGA Patriots descendants of the Tea Party. Even with a MAGA Victory in 2020 the "Rat Party" is buried into the Bureaucrazy. Not All MAG Appointees are Constitutional Liberty lovers, the Estab Repubs are more closely aligned to outright Rinos than we might think.
Confirmation of the "Rat Party" , democRats and rinoRats. Focusing on the rinoRats further and their Opposition to MAGA Repubs. in the States*. Every "Red State" has this ongoing CW !!!
*This is a Multi Level political CW that has been brewing since the Tea Party Days of 2010 when the Tea Party grass roots delivered a huge Republican Majority to the US CONgress that the rinoRats wanted No Part Of. These New Repubs had to be Consumed into the DC Swampster Club or Defeated in the next sElection...... rinoRats with their democRat cousins largely Won that battle.
The IRS was the Point of Feral Gov Attack back then against the Tea Party Insurgents. Currently it's the DoInJ/FIB/ATF on MAGA Patriots descendants of the Tea Party. Even with a MAGA Victory in 2020 the "Rat Party" is buried into the Bureaucrazy. Not All MAG Appointees are Constitutional Liberty lovers, the Estab Repubs are more closely aligned to outright Rinos than we might think.
Actions over mere Words are Required:
3 Cases: Jeremy Brown Patriot POW of the Feral Rats