Who would bring formal charges and prosecute the faithless? State AG’s are to a one a spineless lot. So with many Governors. How many Gov’s are WEF members? How many American Communist Party members? How many are straight up closet traitors? How many owe their positions to the CCP? And have sold their states resources and land to that same CCP ? It’s sickening.

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May I suggest that one looks at Israel, first. Israel is first in the United States government. Every Congressman is paid by AIPAC, except for a few.

Think outside the box.

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Jul 27Author

I have considered and researched Israel extensively. Because of the censorship, however, one is virtually unable to write much about them. I did "credit" them with the voter solicitation among illegals (HIAS and Resource Center Matamoras, Mayorkas, et. al.) and although my article was finally published, I was told to be careful in addressing the subject...

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That’s called censorship. Not good…

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Jul 27Author

Yes, and it has been used frequently in the last years to keep the truth from coming out. Freedom of speech is just one more way that the Left is shredding our founding documents.

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Renee. Israel’s is a protected entity. They have achieved “most favored status” across the board. They will never rock their own freebie boat.

On the other hand Isreal remains a disobedient firstborn son of God as well as the harlot wife of Jahoveh. That status will be their ultimate undoing AS WELL AS their ultimate deliverance and restoration. They remain God’s Chosen after all.

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No, Israel is not “God’s Chosen”😉. “God’s Chosen” is every soul in Creation.

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Renee. Certainly the creation contains all who are made in Gods image and in His likeness. Human beings. “Gods chosen” however arises from the book of Exodus. Prior to the departure of the Nation under Moses God had to let the Pharoah know that His people and not the Egyptians were chosen to rule. So The Chosen has to do with regality. With ruling. Egypt is a type of the world. The Israeli people down thru the centuries have always been the pupil of God’s eye. Even during all their disobedience and betrayal and rebellion. God’s plans and purposes regarding who possesses and controls the scepter to the government of the world never changes. Therefore who rules the earth is critical. Satan today possesses that scepter. One day Christ will forcibly remove it from Satan. Israel as one of Gods firstborn sons along with Christ and soon, those called out of the church and belong to the One New Man in Christ aka the Bride of Christ will reign as firstborn sons from the heavens. God loves all His creation. But sin separated men from Him. The sin issue MUST be dealt with FIRST. Then the issue of who holds the scepter to earth’s government becomes elemental. God has chosen Isreal. You and I have no choice here. It’s His plan. Not ours. It really is that simple.

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Jesus Christ gave a “new Covenant” to the Jews. Unfortunately, many disregarded this Covenant. The “sin” was dealt with already.

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Renee. Your knee jerk responses mean you need to study. Jesus came to offer the Kingdom of the Heavens to His brethren. Both John the Baptist and Christ declared the Kingdom of the Heavens I was at hand. In their midst. . The King was present. The Jewish leadership rejected the offer. And killed the king. The offer was removed from them during His 3 year ministry to them and given to the One New Man in Christ, a new creation, able to accept the offer and bring forth fruit. Blaspheming the HG was unforgivable in rejecting that offer. Today 2 days or two thousand years later Israel still needs to repent for its continued disobedience. Israel is still defiled. She touched the dead body of Messiah. Is in the place of the dead. Is in the Land today because of a man mass Zionistic plan.

They will indeed repent , but it will require a second Holocaust to bring that about. That’s the Great Tribulation. Study it dear one. It’s all present in Scripture. Nothing hidden.

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