Kat, this morning Townhall said: “The Supreme Court has ruled 6-3 - citing Article II of the U.S. Constitution - that former President Donald Trump in his official capacity, and more broadly the office of the United States presidency, has absolute immunity from criminal prosecution.”

However, at the end TH said: “The Supreme Court did not define what an official or unofficial act is and sent that question back down to lower courts.”

I see this as not a slam-dunk, but lurking trouble. Sure hope I'm wrong on that! Nothing ever seems finished/done/over; instead endless lawsuits. I know that's emotion not fact, yet I do remain positive that most decisions at the SC are better. The 3 dissenters are sadly not true Constitutionalists.

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Exactly. That's what I said, too. The 3 Leftists female SCJ's are NOT true to the

Constitution. Then why are they on the bench?

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Jul 1Author

The Leftist judges are put on the bench by leftist/Globalist Presidents. Their knowledge of the Constitutional and the law are secondary. Think about Brown-Jackson who couldn 't define what a woman is...

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Let me tell you the story of Ketanji Jumanji. obama wanted her. She was moved up the ranks. She is also related to traitor paul ryan. You see how that works. She's illegitimate. JOE is a fraud. He never won the 2020 Election.

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Why are they on the bench? To take our rights away.

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They ever get more than Republican SCJ's that will certainly happen.

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Jul 1Author

Constitutional judges. The word, "Republican" is no longer meaningful. We have two parties in America today: Constitutionalist and Communist.

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I just read Epoch Times and they're more detailed on the decision:

"The Supreme Court ruled 6–3 that presidents enjoy immunity from criminal prosecution for official, but not unofficial, acts—in a decision that’s expected to delay former President Donald Trump’s trial in the federal election case in Washington.

The Supreme Court held that: 'Under our constitutional structure of separated powers, the nature of Presidential power entitles a former President to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority. And he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts. There is no immunity for unofficial acts.'

The July 1 decision remands the case to the district court for further consideration."

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I believe that means the DC court--yikes, the swamp!

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Question to the 3 dessenters: "Can you define the constitution of the United States of America?" The 3 dissenters: "No, we do not know what the constitution of the United States of America is, nor what it says."

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Proven time and time again.

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I agree with you Karin , thats how I interpreted the ruling. Looks good but ain’t good in the end.🤡

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